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Benefits of Complex Carbohydrates for Health

Complex carbohydrates are a type of carbohydrate that is known to be healthier and more nutritious, so it has many benefits that are good for the body. These carbohydrates can be found in a variety of foods, such as peas, wheat, bread, and rice

In general, carbohydrates are divided into two types, namely simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Both types of carbohydrates are equally needed by the body. By understanding the various types of carbohydrates, you can more easily implement a healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet.

Difference Between Simple Carbohydrates and Complex Carbohydrates
As the name implies, simple carbohydrates consist of easily digestible basic sugars, such as fruits and vegetables, including cucumbers and okra. However, not all types of simple carbohydrates are healthy for daily consumption. Examples of other foods that contain simple carbohydrates are:

  • Pastry
  • Pudding
  • Juice
  • Bread
  • Soda
  • Candy
These types of foods contain simple carbohydrates, but generally have been processed or have added sugar, so it is not good if consumed in excess. In contrast to simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates are carbohydrates with a more complicated or complex chemical composition. Complex carbohydrates take more time to be digested by the body. Therefore, complex carbohydrates are considered more healthy, especially for people who are on a diet or diabetics.

Various Benefits of Complex Carbohydrates
Basically, the body needs the intake of both types of carbohydrates, namely as a source of energy, overcoming fatigue, fighting disease, and controlling weight. In addition, foods that contain complex carbohydrates generally have more fiber, minerals, and vitamins that are very important for the body.

Complex carbohydrates are known to take longer to be digested by the body, so they can provide maximum energy and make you feel full longer. Complex carbohydrates are divided into two types, namely fiber and starch.

Fiber is very important for the body because it can launch the digestive system and control cholesterol levels. Some types of foods that contain fiber, including whole grains, such as brown rice, beans, wheat, vegetables, and fruit.

Some types of fruit that contain lots of complex carbohydrates as well as good for digestion are figs, kedondong, and bananas, such as bananas. Raspberries are also fruits that contain lots of fiber.

Some of these foods also contain starch. However, there are some foods that contain more starch than fiber, including rice, cereals, whole grains, corn, potatoes, and peas.

Maintaining complex carbohydrate intake can be the key to a healthy life, because complex carbohydrates can help control your weight so that the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart problems is lower. If you need more information about complex carbohydrates, don't hesitate to consult a nutritionist.

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